Investigating the Optimal Treatment to Improve Cashew Apple Juice Quality and Shelf Life

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Aluko, Angela
Kassim, Neema
Makule, Edna
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An investigation was carried out to extend the shelf life of cashew apple juice (CAJ) by up to 90 days from its natural shelf life. CAJ was obtained by pressing apples. Then, extracted juice was clarified, pasteurized, and added with preservatives, citric acid (0.01%), and sodium benzoate (0.01%). The juice was analyzed for physicochemical qualities, sugars, microbial (total bacteria, yeast, and mould) and sensory evaluation tests for appearance (yellow and brown color), aroma, and taste (astringent, bitter, and sweet). CAJ was stored at refrigeration (4°C) and ambient temperature (22.6-32.5°C) for 90 days. Sensory and shelf life analyses were conducted at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 days during storage. The results showed that cashew apple juice had strong vitamin C content (256.5 mg/100 mL). At ambient storage, there was high decrease of vitamin C (6.2-59.8%) and low decrease at refrigeration storage (1.6-10.5%). pH was found to decrease (4.4-3.15) and TSS (11–10.6°Bx), while titratable acidity (0.4–0.59%) increases with time at refrigerating storage. Also, at ambient storage, CAJ showed the similar trend, having decrease in pH (4.4-3.06) and TSS (11-10.3°Bx), while titratable acidity increased (0.4-0.61%). Moreover, sugar content for juice had minimum and maximum decrease at refrigeration and ambient temperatures, respectively. Storage at ambient temperature resulted in growth of microbes which was observed after 15 days for juices without preservatives and 75 days for juices with preservatives, with no E. coli growth. Juice on refrigeration had higher intensity of yellow color (7.50) and sweetness (5.58) while low intensity for astringency (1.58) (). Sensory evaluation of the beverage was found to be satisfactory. Thus, shelf life of cashew apple juice was extended to 90 days satisfactorily, ensuring consumption-safe parameters and satisfactory sensory qualities.