Research Articles [LISBE]
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Neem and Gliricidia Plant Leaf Extracts Improve Yield and Quality of Leaf Mustard by Managing Insect Pests’ Abundance Without Harming Beneficial Insects and Some Sensory Attributes
(MDPI, 2025-02-03)Production and consumption of vegetable crops has seen a sharp increase in the recent past owing to an increasing recognition of their nutraceutical benefits. In tandem, there has been unwarranted application of agrochemicals ... -
Potential of Manure and Urea Fertilizer on Maize (Zea mays L.) Productivity and Soil Quality in the Northern Highlands of Tanzania
(MDPI, 2025-01-28)Many agricultural fields are no longer sustainable due to inadequate replenishment of soil nutrients through organic and inorganic inputs, particularly in smallholder farming systems. As a result, achieving potential crop ... -
Prevalence of human schistosomiasis in various regions of Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies conducted for the past ten years (2013–2023)
(Public Library of Science, 2024-09-09)Schistosomiasis is a significant public health problem in Tanzania, particularly for the people living in the marginalized settings. We have conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis on the prevalence of schistosomiasis ... -
In vivo anti-schistosomal activity of the methanol extracts from Searsia longipes and Lannea schimperi
(Elsevier, 2024-11-01)Schistosomiasis is a disease caused by the flat worms under the genus Schistosoma. The disease is prominent in tropical and sub tropical countries and it is manifested in two forms; the acute and the chronic form. Treatment ... -
Nutrient Budgets for Sustained Crop Production in African Soils: Evidence from Potato-Grown Soils in Tanzania
(Springer Nature Singapore, 2024-11-12)Soil fertility is under pressure worldwide due to agricultural intensification to match food demand. In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the depletion of soil nutrients is the root cause of the widespread food insecurity. Therefore, ... -
Sub-acute Toxicity Effects of the Methanolic Extract from Searsia longipes on the Hematological, Biochemical and Histopathological Parameters of Wilstar Albino Rats
(SAGE Publications, 2025-02)Background: Searsia longipes is a medicinal plant used in Tanzania and other parts of Africa in the management of various diseases. Despite its wide utilization as folk medicine, there is a paucity of safety information ... -
In Silico Analysis of Vitamin D Interactions with Aging Proteins: Docking, Molecular Dynamics, and Solvation Free Energy Studies
(MDPI, 2024-10-11)Aging is a natural process that is also influenced by some factors like the food someone eats, lifestyle decisions, and impacts on general health. Despite the recognized role of nutrition in modulating the molecular and ... -
Computational analysis of Urolithin A as a potential compound for anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neurodegenerative pathways
(Elsevier, 2025-02-01)Urolithin A, an active precursor derived from the metabolism of ellagitanins in rats and humans, is known for its potential health benefits, including stimulating mitophagy and promoting muscular skeletal function. While ... -
Prevalence of aflatoxigenic fungi and contamination in soils and maize grains from aflatoxin-hot spot areas in Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2024-11-01)Maize is a major food security crop contributing over 50 % of total food requirement in Tanzania. However, number of factors limit its production and quality. Aflatoxins contamination mostly produced by two Aspergillus ... -
AMMI and GGE biplot analysis of maize genotypes for seed yield across different maize growing location in Tanzania
(Cogent, 2025-12-31)Twenty maize genotypes including breeding lines along with improved local released varieties were assessed for grain yield and yield component stability under three different maize growing agro-ecological zones from January ... -
Effect of Blanching Conditions and Solar Drying on Selected Nutritional, Anti-nutritional and Bioactive Components of Formulated Avocado Seed Powder
(Research in Agriculture and Apllied Economics, 2024-06-24)Avocado (Persea americana Mill) seeds are mainly considered as waste byproducts of avocado fruit processing in many countries, including Tanzania despite their potential health and economic benefits. The present work ... -
A comparative approach of analyzing data uncertainty in parameter estimation for a Lumpy Skin Disease model
(Elsevier, 2025-01-20)The livestock industry has been economically affected by the emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases such as Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD). This has driven the interest to research efficient mitigating measures towards ... -
Comparison of Methods to Assess Adherence to Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Provision of Low-Aflatoxin Porridge Flours in a Community-Based Intervention Trial
(MDPI, 2024-12-13)Background: Levels of adherence to recommended protocols in an intervention trial can affect outcomes and confound the results. To broaden the evidence about the selection and utility of adherence measures in varying ... -
The effect of an intervention to reduce aflatoxin consumption from 6 to 18 mo of age on length-for-age z-scores in rural Tanzania: a cluster-randomized trial
(Elsevier, 2025-02-01)Background Linear growth faltering continues to negatively affect children in low- and middle-income countries and is associated with poor cognitive, developmental, and educational outcomes. Laboratory and observational ... -
Association Between Aflatoxin Exposure and Haemoglobin, Zinc, and Vitamin A, C, and E Levels/Status: A Systematic Review
(MDPI, 2025-02-28)Background: Aflatoxin, produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus fungi, contaminates a broad range of crops such as maize, nuts, and cotton. Aflatoxin exposure causes growth failure, immune suppression, ... -
Application of Nanotechnology in Enhancing Efficacy of African Herbal Medicines-A review
(MDPI, 2025)African herbal medicine has been used for centuries as a means of treating various ailments. However, limitations in the effectiveness and delivery of these herbal remedies have necessitated exploration of alternative ... -
The role of anthropogenic container habitats as mosquito oviposition habitats in rural settlements in northern Tanzania
(BioOne Digital Library, 2022-04-05)Abstract In many areas, the main sources of mosquito vectors are not natural habitats but small artificial water bodies that are provided unintentionally by humans. Such container habitats have been linked to outbreaks ... -
Study of Socio-economic Drivers and community perceptions on Invasive Alien Plant Prosopis juliflora in Northern Tanzania
(International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), 2023-12)Prosopis juliflora (P. juliflora) is an invasive plant introduced in Tanzania for restoration and greening the degraded sites. Since its introduction in Tanzania, there has been no assessment about its associated ... -
Pathways from research to sustainable development: Insights from ten research projects in sustainability and resilience
(Springer, 2023-11-23)Drawing on collective experience from ten collaborative research projects focused on the Global South, we identify three major challenges that impede the translation of research on sustainability and resilience ... -
Polyphosphates: Essential bioenergetic reservoirs and their role as critical nutrient depleters in biological systems
(Scientific Research Archives, 2025)Polyphosphates are linear polymers of inorganic phosphate that play a pivotal role in cellular bioenergetics and metabolism across a wide range of organisms. This review article explores the multifaceted functions of ...