Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1294-1313 of 2408
Lablab purpureus: Analysis of landraces cultivation and distribution, farming systems, and some climatic trends in production areas in Tanzania
(De Gruyter Open Access, 2023-01-01)Lablab is a multifunctional crop that is underutilized in Africa. This study was performed to assess Lablab landraces cultivation and distribution, farming systems, and some climatic trends in Lablab production areas in ... -
Lablab purpureus: Evaluation and Selection of Drought-tolerant - High-yielding Accessions in Dry Farming Systems Based on Drought Tolerance Indices and Multi- environmental Yield Trials
(Ankara University, 2023-03-03)Breeding for drought tolerance in crops requires responding knowledge on the moisture regimes of crops. This study was conducted to evaluate and select the drought tolerant - high yield Lablab accessions in the dry farming ... -
Land cover correlates of Tsetse distribution and its implications for cattle movement and Trypanosomiasis control in the Maasai steppe
(NM-AIST, 2017-12)Anthropogenic activities changes ecosystem structure, and alter the vital rates of vectors, host-vector interaction and consequently disease transmission dynamics across the landscape. This research examined the participatory ... -
Land Use and Environmental Gradients Influence on Riparian Woody Plant Diversity and Structure in Lake Manyara Watershed Ecosystem, Tanzania
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2023-09-12)Riparian vegetations are important in supporting ecological connectivity between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The structure and species composition of riparian woody plants have been subjected to multiple forces ... -
Land use change and temporal water quality dynamics on the slopes of mount Meru
(NM-AIST, 2020-09)This work reports on the results obtained following the study on the land use change and temporal water quality change in rivers of the slopes of Mount Meru in Northern Tanzania between 2015 and 2016. Satellite images ... -
Land Use Land/Cover Change Reduces Woody Plant Diversity and Carbon Stocks in a Lowland Coastal Forest Ecosystem, Tanzania
(MDPI, 2022-07-13)The East-African lowland coastal forest (LCF) is one of Africa’s centres of species endemism, representing an important biodiversity hotspot. However, deforestation and forest degradation due to the high demand for ... -
Land use patterns influence the distribution of potentially toxic elements in soils of the Usangu Basin, Tanzania
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021-12)Spatial distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) in agricultural soils in Usangu Basin (Mbeya Region)-Tanzania were conducted. The study included three land-use types (paddy farming, maize farming, and conserved ... -
Land Use/Cover Classification of Large Conservation Areas Using a Ground-Linked High-Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(MDPI, 2024-08-22)High-resolution remote sensing platforms are crucial to map land use/cover (LULC) types. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology has been widely used in the northern hemisphere, addressing the challenges facing low- to ... -
Land-Use and Land Cover Changes on the Slopes of Mount Meru-Tanzania
(Current World Environment, 2018-12)Environmental transitions analysis was done in part of the land on the slopes of the foothills of Mount Meru in thirty (30) years’ time from 1986 to 2016 using satellite-derived land use/cover maps and a Cellular Automata ... -
Large branchiopod occurrence and community structure in relation to land-use types in temporary ponds of northern Tanzania
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2023-02-14)Large branchiopods are a key component of the fauna of temporary ponds and play an important role in the functioning of these vulnerable ecosystems. Owing to the establishment of new settlements and agricultural expansion, ... -
Large-scale land acquisitions exacerbate local farmland inequalities in Tanzania
(National Academy of Sciences, 2023-07-31)Land inequality stalls economic development, entrenches poverty, and is associated with environmental degradation. Yet, rigorous assessments of land-use interventions attend to inequality only rarely. A land inequality ... -
Larvicidal activity of Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) R. Br root extracts against Anopheles gambiae Giless.s, Aedes aegypti L, and Culex quinquefasciatus Say
(Dove Press, 2019-04-26)Aim: This study aimed to evaluate larvicidal activity of Hypoestes forskaolii R. Br root extract against 3rd instar Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus. Methods: A protocol developed by the World ... -
Larvicidal Activity of Leaf and Stem extracts of Sterculiaquinquelob(Garcke) K. SchumAgainst the Anopheles gambiae Giles S.S, Culexquinquefasciatus Say and AedesaegyptiMosquito
(American Journal of Research Communication, 2014)Larvicidal activity of crude petroleum ether (PE), ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and methanol (MeOH) extracts of leaves and stem barks of Sterculiaquinqueloba (Garcke) K. Schum were testedagainst the late 3 instar larvae of ... -
Larvicidal and phytochemical analysis of Hypoestes forskaolii extracts against Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus
(NM-AIST, 2020-08)This research evaluated larvicidal potencies and phytochemical analysis of Hypoestes forskaolii (vahl) R. Br root extracts. Larvicidal activities were tested to Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. ... -
Larvicidal potential of wild mushroom extracts against Culex quinquefasciatus Say, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae Giles S.S
(American Journal of Research Communication, 2014)The crude extracts from six wild mushrooms namely Lactarius densifolius, Lactarius gymnocarpoides, Russula cellulata, Russula kivuensis, Amanita phalloides and Boletus species were evaluated for larvicidal activity against ... -
The Last Will Be First: Water Transfers from Agriculture to Cities in the Pangani River Basin, Tanzania
(Water Alternatives, 2012-10)Water transfers to growing cities in sub-Sahara Africa, as elsewhere, seem inevitable. But absolute water entitlements in basins with variable supply may seriously affect many water users in times of water scarcity. This ... -
Latent class evaluation of the performance of serological tests for exposure to Brucella spp. in cattle, sheep, and goats in Tanzania
(PLOS Medicine, 2021-08-24)Brucellosis is a neglected zoonosis endemic in many countries, including regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Evaluated diagnostic tools for the detection of exposure to Brucella spp. are important for disease surveillance and ... -
Launaea cornuta (wild lettuce) leaf extract: phytochemical analysis and synthesis of silver-zinc oxide nanocomposite
(IOP Science, 2024-10-11)Access to quality drinking water is an essential human right and a fundamental aspect of human dignity, yet a challenge to many in developing countries. Over 2 billion people worldwide lack access to quality drinking water ... -
Lawsone isomers, lawsone ether and bilawsone for dye-sensitized solar cells applications: DFT and UV-Vis studies.
(Elsevier Inc., 2020-01-01)Structural and optoelectronic properties of lawsone (L), lawsone ether (LE) and bilawsone (BL) were studied theoretically using the DFT and time-dependent DFT methods with hybrid functional B3LYP5 and 6-311G (2d,p) basis ... -
Lawsone, lawsone ether and bilawsone for dyesensitized solar cells application
(NM-AIST, 2020-02)Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) had turned up as a novel class of low-cost solar cells that can be fabricated easily compared to silicon solar cells. The DSSCs based on natural sensitizers are able to generate clean ...