Now showing items 341-345 of 345

    • Modeling the Dynamics of Rabies Transmission with Vaccination and Stability Analysis 

      Ega, Tesfaye Tadesse; Luboobi, Livingstone; Kuznetsov, Dmitry (Science Publishing Group, 2015-10-09)
      In this paper we formulate a deterministic mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of rabies in human and animal within and around Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our model involves vaccination program for dog population. ...
    • Modeling and Stability Analysis for Measles Metapopulation Model with Vaccination 

      Mpande, Leopard; Kajunguri, Damian; Mpolya, Emmanuel (Science Publishing Group, 2015-10-22)
      In this paper, a metapopulation model is formulated as a system of ordinary differential equations to study the impact of vaccination on the spread of measles. The disease-free equilibrium is computed and proved to be ...
    • A Survey of Machine Learning Approaches and Techniques for Student Dropout Prediction 

      Mduma, Neema; Kalegele, Khamisi; Machuve, Dina (Data Science Journal, 2019-04-17)
      School dropout is absenteeism from school for no good reason for a continuous number of days. Addressing this challenge requires a thorough understanding of the underlying issues and effective planning for interventions. ...
    • Machine learning approach for reducing students dropout rates 

      Mduma, Neema; Kalegele, Khamisi; Machuve, Dina (International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, 2019-05-06)
      serious issue in developing countries. On the other hand, machine learning techniques have gained much attention on addressing this problem. This paper, presents a thorough analysis of four supervised learning classifiers ...
    • The in-Human Host and in-Mosquito Dynamics of Malaria Parasites With Immune Responses 

      Seleman A., Mohamedi; Luboobi S., Livingstone; Nkansah-Gyekye, Yaw (New Trends in Mathematical Sciences, 2017-08-25)
      In this study, a mathematical model for the in-human host and in-mosquito dynamics of malaria parasite with immune responses was formualeted and analyzed. A positive invariant region of the model was established, and a ...