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dc.contributor.authorThambikeni, Micky
dc.contributor.authorSam, Anael
dc.descriptionA research article was published by International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 13, No. 11, November 2015en_US
dc.description.abstractLand conflicts are common phenomena in Tanzania. They can be understood in the context of history, social relations and the process of commoditization of natural resources such as land and land resources. One of the factors causing land conflicts is the poor land use planning and management. Tanzania has about 44.0 million hectares of arable land in Tanzania, but only 23% (about 10.5 million hectares) is being utilized, In this study literature review is done to understand the context of land information management, then take a look at how land use plan is being practiced at district level and how ICT is applied in land use plan towards land conflicts mitigation. The study aims to analyze ICT potential role by identifying factors causing land conflicts that can be solved by ICT and establishing ways of mitigating the conflicts. This can be accomplished by integrating ICT in land use planning and management for easier inventory and allocation of land resource. The study conclude that, implications of ICT for the land use management at district level have impact towards land conflicts mitigation, because ICT can enhance land administration through modern ways of keeping land information and can help policy and decision makers in reaching good decision makingen_US
dc.publisherLJS Publishingen_US
dc.subjectLand Conflictsen_US
dc.subjectLand useen_US
dc.subjectArable landen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of ICT application in mitigating land conflicts: case study oftanzaniaen_US

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